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5 Messages

Monday, January 19th, 2015 6:53 PM


Warranty issue - phone returned as damaged

Upfront I admit that:

I didn't read the paperwork close enough before I signed on the line so let this be a warning for anyone with warranty issues (and have a magnifying glass handy).



August, 2014 went into a local ATT dealer and bought one phone for my daughter and one for my son on payment plans along with the bill for wireless service.


After about 2 months my daughter's Samsung Galaxy 4 started to randomly turn off and on.

Sometime at the end of November or early December I took the phone back to the place I bought it and they said there was a problem-they called ATT and both agreed it was beyond repair and sent me a new phone.  I sent the defective one back and thought we were done with it.


Yesterday I got the old phone back with a letter stating, ..."Unfortunately, we are returning your phone due to the following condition:  Cracked, Damaged, Smashed, Chewed Plastic/Faceplate..." and ATT stated there would be a charge of $469.00 on my next bill.  This is in addition to the other Galaxy phone I'm paying for on a monthly basis.


I was on the phone for half the morning, getting nowhere (and I felt really bad for the first woman I spoke to from Kentucky-she was very nice) with anyone (I did speak with the first woman's manager). 


I bought my daughter a cover for the phone for her birthday in August and the face of the phone is in perfect condition.  It turns out that there is "damage" where the plug goes in to charge the phone.  After getting a magnifying glass out I could see some wear inside where the charging chord plugs in but that was all.


My issue:

1.  The ATT store I bought it did not find any damage when they originally called about getting me a replacement phone and did not say anything about any damage preventing repair or replacement due to something like this.  Neither did they mention anything about having to pay for it.

2.  As a common, untrained person, having no trouble with the phone charging how in the world would I know to look inside this space (and had I even thought to do that, how would I know that it was damaged when it has always worked fine) or that a $75 repair would be cause to be charged $500.  The rest of the phone doesn't have a scratch on it.  If the store didn't find it how would I be expected to???

3.  The phone was charging fine-the issue is with the internal electronics.  I have no problem with any "damage" that might be in the charging port.  Honor your warranty, fix that part that is the issue and send the otherwise "damaged" phone back to me and I'll send back the new phone both you and your agent decided to send me.

4.  The charging port is a $14.00 part on line-you can't replace that and fix the electronic issues (but it was working fine so it didn't need to be replaced anyway)?  If you can replace the electronic issues I'll pay for the charging port part.  If you can't fix the electronic issue then does it really matter whether the $14.00 charging port is "damaged" or not?


I have contacted Samsung and they're going to take a look at it to see if it is under warranty and if not they are going to have someone call me with an estimate to fix it-but they are not going to charge me almost $500 for a phone that stopped working 2-3 months after it was purchased. 


I've been with ATT almost since the dawn of the cell phone, have paid for a number of phones for a number of kids and currently have three lines.  I'd rather not go somewhere else but of course I think this is an insane policy no matter what paper I signed (what choice did I have-I don't sign it you don't warranty it-I already had the new phone-I'm over a barrel).  I have no problem with the phone charging despite the "damage" that is there-I just want you to have the integrity to stand behind the product you advertise and sell. 


I'll see what Samsung has to say in a few days.  At the least they will call me back and talk to me before charging me for a phone that was defective to begin with. 


I'm sure there is a very reasonable explanation for this policy but I'm fairly sure it's not one that keeps customers (but I'll admit, I'm a bit biased at this point).


Respectfully submitted.


[Subject edited for better exposure] 




6 Messages

8 years ago

It's a scam. I ended up have to pay for 2 phones even though phone had
insurance on.



6 Messages

8 years ago

Your saying that the box that was sent by AT&T is bad. It's was returned in your box. What a ripoff



6 Messages

8 years ago

Even Samsung agrees we were ripped off



1 Message

7 years ago

The same thing happened to my husband. It is ridiculous and has definitely cost them our business. We have 5 lines and I have been a customer with them since 2001.

I tell everyone that asks DO NOT GO TO AT&T!!!!!!

ACE - Sage


118K Messages

7 years ago


You can find the same complaints on other carrier forums.   If the phone was packed correctly in the same packaging as the replacement was shipped to you, it should arrive in good condition.  

If a package arrives and is damaged, photos are taken of package and phone.  If the package is fine but phone damaged, photos are taken of package and phone.  

These photos are included in the email notice that you are being charged for the phone.  

If the package was damaged in shipping, you are not held responsible.  But if packing is fine, and the phone is damaged, it's on you.







1 Message

7 years ago

How did you contact Samsung to get it fixed? I was wanting to exchange with AT&T and im afraid there might be moisture in my phone due to a shower steam and it was foggy in our area not too long ago... Im afraid that the LDI got triggered inside and that AT&T will be allowed to charge it. My phone has been glitching before these events though, such as the touchscreen not working. Theres been no physical damage whatsoever.



5 Messages

7 years ago

It's been awhile but I believe I just went to their website to find the number. They were quite helpful-hopefully will be the same for you.



5 Messages

7 years ago

As a follow up.  I worked with the manager at my local ATT store.  He agreed it was wrong that they charge me for the replacement phone. He was able to get the payment credited to our account and we went through the insurance.   Poor policy,but nice to know they can correct it



8 Messages

7 years ago

 Hi , we got the same problem ,My two line's got suspended because the claim the phone                      was not receive .Enough is Enough. Finally we found solution.Contact me by private email,thanks

Regards ,B



1 Message

7 years ago

i'm going through the same exact thing right now.  an LG G5 that won't aquire or keep a GPS signal.  Took it to the store (with absolutely NO damage) and they couldn't figure it out.  They told me to send it in under warranty.  I sent it back through ATT's choice of carrier and had it sent back with a hairline crack in the screen that wasn't there when it was shipped.  And they are now trying to charge me for both phones.  I might add that I live 2 hours from where their warranty center.  It bounced around in the back of a delivery truck for 14 days before it was received by them, according to the date they say they received it.  And, according to the tracking number that was provided, it still has NOT been delivered.  It is definately a scam.  I too will be switching carriers.  I don't care if others say "all carriers are like that."  If ATT can't provide any better customer service to a 20+ year customer, I don't need to do business with them.  I am returning the warranty device to not incur the additional $600.00 charge but had to go through 3 people during two different phone calls to get an actual address so i could use MY choice of carrier and INSURE it when i sent it back.  Which leaves me paying $600.00 for a device that is defective.  If the term "scam" doesn't fit, I don't know what does.

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