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2 Messages

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 2:53 PM

New on demand Format

The new on demand format is awful!  The boxes look like att is trying to be like the facebook 'likes' which suck anyway.  Those big boxes you are using don't tell us a thing and certainly do not make navigating the on demand list easier, they make it harder.  When I finally do get to a list the font is way to small, the layout gives me a headache and we need to go through far more steps to get where we want to go. Also, when we finally get to a list of shows we now have the title of the episode rather than date it aired. Who knows the show's titles in the right order? NO ONE!! 


Who comes up with these ideas must be on drugs and don't you people trial new ideas with a variety of your population? It seems like you may have had 15 year olds trial it and forget asking adults for their opinion.


"if it ain't broke don't fix it"




4 Messages

11 years ago

Does anyone from ATT who has some authority ever get feedback from these boards?  If so I would think they would wake up and take us back a couple of weeks to the land of easy and easy.



164 Messages

11 years ago

I guess i am lucky i live in Athens, GA Uverse here still has the old format for now and i hope they don't install new ondemand here .

Community Support


2.7K Messages

11 years ago

Hi Trax32,

Just wanted to check in and let you know that we received your private message and one of our managers will be reaching out to you.


Nicole K.



119 Messages

11 years ago

It's a "if it ain't broke don't fix it"



119 Messages

11 years ago

This is NOT a update. I can see Comcast making TV ads about this mess right now



119 Messages

11 years ago

Whom ever thought this was a good idea need to get hit with a sock full of pennies



119 Messages

11 years ago

I bet it's too many subs on At&t's underbuilt Uverse network



1.3K Messages

11 years ago

I'd love to know what makes any user decide that they are above getting updates compared to everyone else. 


I'd love to see AT&T offer a no-upgrade option similar to how Sony and Microsoft offer updates to their game consoles.  What I mean by this is that you're able to not update your device, but the moment we decide to cahnge a system around we won't offer any support for you unless you update.



9.8K Messages

11 years ago

@maryjack1 wrote:

Does anyone from ATT who has some authority ever get feedback from these boards?  If so I would think they would wake up and take us back a couple of weeks to the land of easy and easy.

Yes, AT&T Forum moderators do monitor these forums.  Unfortunately they have been eerily silent on this and some other hot button issues.  You will see them involved more in Billing and CS type issues where it is only dealing with a single subscriber and not something that affects 4+ million subscribers.  I am 99% sure that the mods do force feed AT&T managent with these issues but they (I'm sure) can't directly undo something, this big.



9.8K Messages

11 years ago

@americangame wrote:

I'd love to know what makes any user decide that they are above getting updates compared to everyone else


I'd love to see AT&T offer a no-upgrade option similar to how Sony and Microsoft offer updates to their game consoles.  What I mean by this is that you're able to not update your device, but the moment we decide to cahnge a system around we won't offer any support for you unless you update.

I just wish that they would have done some usability testing / or surveying, beforehand.  Some like it, many don't.  I think that it's a not so slick, gimmick.  Netflix, she ain't.  At any rate, remember that many web developers tinker with website design and in many cases they put up a link "To revert back to the old styled page, click here."  In many instances, designers rolled back the web page because 75% or more of users opted for the old way.  AT&T must know that folks don't care for it, or there would not be surveys on the subject.

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