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58 Messages

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 4:12 AM


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 GPS Issue

Anyone else having issues with their Note 3 GPS? I'm having an issue were every time I plug or unplug the charger from my phone the GPS drops out. I have to then toggle the GPS on/off in my quick settings to get it working again while navigating. It also seems to drop the signal when I get an incoming phone call while using the navigation app. I have confirmed this same behavior on 2 other friends Note 3's. I'm hoping this is just a software issue that will be fixed in a future os update.



102 Messages

10 years ago

Why do you assume that most of our reviews wouldnt get approved?   To what advantage is it for me and the proper operation of my phone to support your review since the problem has already been acknowleged and fix announced?  Lastly,  what good is it to "get something back in small little ways"? 




19 Messages

10 years ago

@Ranmaniac I think if you read what people are saying or feeling. You would probably answer your own questions.



24 Messages

10 years ago

I'd encourage you guys to file the FCC complaint like I did. Nothing might come of it, but at least I feel like I did something.  It's so frustrating to have an otherwise phenomenal phone marred by such a terrible issue. I love this phone otherwise, but this makes me want a new phone on another carrier. Carrying and charging 2 devices is not an option for me.



39 Messages

10 years ago

rkinwa - Let's just keep getting the word out to people that there are ways to contact AT&T or get their attention. I hope enough of us are actually willing to speak up, sign or figure out a way to get more information from AT&T.


Finding out so many other people are having this problem is both disheartening and encouraging. Maybe something can finally be done about this.


Thanks for all the troubleshooting guys.



62 Messages

10 years ago

I spoke to customer service about the "GPS issue." Today I was told there is no record of an issue in their records. Yesterday I was told that they get many calls about it, it is a known issue and being addressed. AT&T does not want any accountability of this and it is so annoying to deal with them. Wish they would read their own forum.



102 Messages

10 years ago

@tomgutz - Most of what people are saying is purely based on frustration from not having the service that they expect.  The frustration is warranted but the irrational threats and false claims are not.  The process of hardware and/or software QA is far from a perfected science and even the best of testing departments can never get it right, 100% of the time because they can rarely envision enough real world scenarios to impliment proper testing.  This is further complicated by production deadlines etc..  Rinse and repeat for every company, every product.  Once a product is released, that team moves on to the next project and when problems arise wuth the released project, a sustaining team is usually handed teh task which already has 88387341657531297 on their plate.  When the issue at hand finally gets fixed, it must be tested and tested again, of which new tests have to be devised because the old tests didnt catch this problem to begin with..  When it's all said & done, it has to be reviewed and signed off by no less than 8983327856 people to try to ensure that a quality product gets released and this doesnt happen all over again.  So it's easy to see why a fix to an issue such as this may not be immediately forthcoming.  It must be done right, it must be scrutinized thouroughly and then it gets sent to overburdened servers that must be regulated to maintain respectable bandwidths.  


It takes armies of very intelegent people to make these magic devices happen.  It's not some corporate bunch of greedy thugs choosing money over your well-being.  I think they deserve a little more respect than is often shown them in these forums.  


This problem has been acknowledged and a fix has been announced.  It will be along shortly.  



47 Messages

10 years ago

I paid a premium for this phone. It better work 100%.



47 Messages

10 years ago

Takes an army to replace 6 files huh? LOL



39 Messages

10 years ago

Ranmaniac - While you are spot on describing the lengthy process and red tape it takes to "fix" things, the time it took to acknowledge the problem has a bit lengthy. We've been waiting on a fix for over 3 months now. "Shortly" has been a long time coming.



19 Messages

10 years ago

@Ranmaniac , I agree what you stated. That is the normal cycle. I guess it would just help for the ATT side to tell us exactly whats happening not a general they are "working on it". I believe its also instinct that when people do not hear anything then it is most likely pushed aside. And for it to be back on track people usually do their part to make noise, etc so that people takes notice of it and add more man power to solve the problem. 


At the end of the day everybody wants one thing for this problem to go away and as soon as possible. People who already rooted their phone and applied the changes got this solved I believe. So I think the frustration comes from knowing this. And another thing is if you read my review I am basically warning people and not ranting about it. Since I dont want people to undergo the same problem we are dealing. Simple as that.

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