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22 Messages

Sunday, October 6th, 2013 1:22 AM

Don't want anything going to SPAM folder

I HATE webmail!!!  I pick up my messages in Outlook 2010, where I have my SPAM folder disabled (i.e., nothing goes to JUNK; all goes to INBOX).  Webmail is labor intensive and just plain annoying!


Recently upgraded to U-Verse.  Because I failed to receive an ebill from one of my creditors, I went looking in webmail just in case it was there, which it wasn't, so to the best of my knowledge, that wasn't an AT&T failure.


However, the SPAM folder in webmail had tons of messages, many of which were IMPORTANT!!!!  No wonder I thought that nobody responded to my craigslist ad!  The fact that they went into SPAM there apparently caused them to not load to my Outlook INBOX.  (How many previous messages were withheld from me in this manner?)


My attempted "emergency" fix was to set my Outlook junk folder to "high" so spam will hopefully land there, but it didn’t help.  To get these messages into Outlook I have to go into webmail and forward them to myself! 


My real question is:  Is there a way to tell AT&T/Yahoo to send everything to my INBOX and nothing to SPAM?


No, I don't want to have to go into webmail and tell it that each message is not spam...it's not a case of regular senders going to SPAM, it's a case of senders who may only email me once or twice - I need to receive those messages (without going through the check-webmail-and-forward-to-myself stupidity as mentioned above)!


I don't want AT&T/Yahoo deciding what is important to me; that should by MY choice.  I do not want anything ever going into a SPAM folder.  I will decide what is junk and/or spam and either "unsubscribe" or report it to spam@uce.gov as is appropriate.


Thank you.




Accepted Solution

Official Solution

New Member


25.7K Messages

11 years ago

Log into the web mail as normal.  Then click on the symbol that looks like a "gear" in the top right corner of the screen.  Click on "mail options".  On that screen, look on the left hand side and click on "Pop & Forwarding".  Where it says " Access att.net Mail via POP", change it to either "Download Spam with no special indicators" or "Download Spam, but with the prefix spam".


Now your Outlook client will download your inbox and your spam folder from the webmail to your Outlook inbox.  This should solve your issue you discribe above.





22 Messages

11 years ago

Thank you so much!  I don't know why every time you upgrade or change services with AT&T (or they "enhance" something) it seems to mess up something else that previously worked just fine!



1 Message

8 years ago

Is there an update to this solution for the current version of the yahoo email web browser application? I have this same problem today and what is mentioned in this solution is not applicable to the current version of this application. There appears to be know way to tell Yahoo not to filter email messages.


Bottom line is that I DO NOT want AT&T/Yahoo filtering my emails based on rules unbeknownst to me. I have lost an unknown amount of important and valid emails because they went in the spam folder. I don't use the browser because it is cumbersome, feature lacking and UNBELIEVABLY SLOW. I don't want to have to remember to check back every month to see what Yahoo has filtered out. It's bad enough that they will only keep them for 1 month before discarding them.


I want full control of the rules for filtering out spam and if I can't set those rules, DON'T FILTER ANYTHING.


I talked to AT&T support and got the deer stunned in the headlights response (silence) followed by suggesting use the email browser application to mark messages in the spam folder as not spam. Not very helpful. It sounded like they thought everybody used the browser application. I tried to explain how awful it was compared to a real email client application but I apparently failed. Then they pawned the problem off on Yahoo by saying that AT&T only uses the email services of Yahoo and they are the ones to change things. I asked for my case to be escalated to Yahoo which they agreed to do. I asked if anyone would follow up with me and they said yes but it would take an unpredicatble amount of time. Besides maybe their response will be sent to the spam folder.



4 Messages

8 years ago

The solution provided does not apply to the version of the AT&T web browser in use today. First under the gear icon there is no mention of "mail options". there is 'settings". clicking on that displays no "pop & forwarding" option. this solution must be for an old version of the web interface. It doesn't apply to what I am seeing. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place. I would really appreciate it if you would supply the complete procedure from beginning to end including what URL to use. I am using www.att.net, signing in, and going to mail.


BTW, when I posted my original query I checked the box to be notified by email if someone responds. I did not get an email. Maybe it got routed to SPAM...



19 Messages

8 years ago

PLEASE allow users to disable spam at the webmail level.  I do not use webmail and have never used webmail with my old provider.  I do not want the extra steps and time to check webmail to see if anything is stuck in spam.  I, too, found this on accident when looking at the webmail for a sent item...only to discover items that were trapped in spam w/o my knowledge.  All of the blocked items were legit.  They are also not coming from frequent senders so 'not spam' is not a viable solution.


I understanding protecting folks that don't have tools or systems in place for this but it's added wasted time and effort for people who have software and systems to protect themselves.  Make it the non-default option so you're protecting people and allowing semi-advanced users a chance to handle it on their own.  Include a "proceed at your own risk" waiver or acknoweldgement if you're worried about getting sued by someone who got a virus.



1 Message

8 years ago

I too would like to turn this off, but it sounds like there is no one listening.  Not even a single response from AT&T to any of the posts this year!  This is sure a good indication of how much AT&T repects their customer's viewpoints, or not.



3 Messages

8 years ago

How do I disable my bellsouth.net server spam filter? I use OE Classic on my computer. Email downloads fine and are deleted once downloaded, BUT, also from the spam folder emails have added [bulk] to the subject and my software also downloads from the spam folder forever. I'd like to NOT have any email going to the spam folder. How to delete the spam folder or disable the spam filter? Seems any ability to do show simply does not exist. Bummer.



3 Messages

7 years ago

Much mail I want is going to my Yahoo spam folder.  Even mail from people I have sent to.  Even mail with me as the only addressee. It is going to my Yahoo spam folder - not my e-mail client forlder.


Is there a way to turn off the Yahoo anti-spam filter and have all mail go to my Yahoo inbox?


What I tried: I set a filter directing all mail without the From Address of "ertyui" (a nonsense address) to go to the Inbox.  (That should be all mail.)  It didn't help a bit, maybe because the anti-spam filtering is done before any user filtering.


Any ideas?

Community Support


232.8K Messages

7 years ago

Hi @GoodTea,


Are you using a mailbox like Outlook or using the app on an iPhone to view your mail?





3 Messages

7 years ago

No. I am looking directly at the Yahoo.com website with my browser, logged in with my att.net address.

Thank you for your interest. I also notice many other users on your Community Forum with the same issue of having wanted e-mail in their spam folder.

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