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13 Messages

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 8:06 PM

connection problem with my macbook pro

hi i don't know why but whenever i am using my macbook on my wireless home network the connection dies and internet is unavailable for about a minute and comes back on and it does not happen with other computer which is not a macbook how do i fix this?



2 Messages

14 years ago

I do not know if it is a general solution or not, but when I changed the wireless security from WEP to WPA2, the random disconnects stopped.


This was based on a fair amount of research of the Apple discussion forums. Give it a try if you are seeing these problems, though obviously your mileage may vary.



1 Message

14 years ago



I was also experiencing the same dropped connection with the 2wire modem from AT&T. After reading through this forum, I decided to just take the advice of bridging the 2wire modem and using a WRT120n Lynksis router. I know that we should not have to spend extra money on a wireless router, when the 2wire combo should be doing the job, but I am very busy and the $47 dollars I paid for the router was worth it. 


I called AT&T and their tech support assisted me through the steps of setting the 2wire modem to full bridge mode. Then the Lynksis rep helped me set up the WRT120n wireless router. You can do this whole set up yourself (the instructions to bridge the modem have been posted in this forum), but I decided to just call AT&T and Lynksis to get this done quickly. 


The whole thing took about 1.5 hours to do, but I am no longer experiencing the dropped internet connections. I have been online now for three days and my Macbook has been working great. This was so worth it! 



1 Message

14 years ago

Another user here facing the same dilemma. I have dealt with this problem for about a year and figured it was just the result of 802.11 signal congestion. I faced all of the issues which have been described. When a black mac book connected to the network you might have an hour of two of web surfing and then you would get confronted with all these signal disconnect pages generated by the 2wire. When I moved to a new apartment there were far fewer 2wires and less signal congestion. So I decided it was another problem and not much to my surprise I came across this thread and tried to fix the problem.


Several step which I took

1. Had the line checked- no effect

2. Spoke with several at&t people and bounced around in several departments and none of them seemed willing to address the problem.

3. I was finally transferred over to the pay for it yourself tech support which I refused to do and was not told when the call was transferred that it would cost money. 


Then I decided to bridge the 2wire with an old linksys router. I was bounced around some more before I finally was connected to a level two tech who did a fair at best job of walking me through the steps to put the 2wire into full bridge mode. The website which helped the most was this one 




With the old linksys router with DHCP enabled, configured with the at&t login information, using WEP wireless encryption, I have been problem free for a whole day now. Im hoping this configuration is stable and I would probably recommend what other users have done to introduce a third party router. 





2 Messages

14 years ago

I have been an at&t user for about 10 years and about 60 days ago got a 2-wire router to replace my old equipment. What a big mistake - the system just keeps dropping the signal.  I am running a hardwired dell pc with windows and a wireless macbook pro.  I don't think the mac works with the 2-wire  and keeps causing the dropping of the signal. I have called at&t several times and they even sent me another 2-wire and still had the same problem.  I finally gave up and followed the advice of others on here and bought the action modem and an apple airport router.  The system works great and faster than ever (no dsl drops in the last 6 hours). I will be calling tomorrow to send the 2 at&t routers back. The at&t costumer service was very nice and easy to work with; they just coud not and would not admit that there was a problem with the mac and the 2 wire. I hope this helps others and at&t shame on you for not fixing this problem.





2 Messages

14 years ago

It has been 6 days now and my system is working great. Not one drop in six days. If you are still having problems with the 2 wire and Mac just get rid of the 2 wire and save yourself a lot of headaches.



11 Messages

14 years ago

Working flawless for almost 1 year now. Dont waste your time with the 2wire to work on the wireless with your macbook!

Bridged my 2 wire and hooked up a  Cisco Linksys router Model: WRT120N. Perfect fit for me!!!!




5 Messages

14 years ago

I have the same problems with my MacBook. I was going to contact AT&T, but after reading all of the posts here I see that would be a waste of my time. I am wireless but my roommate is not.   If I were to put my 2wire into bridge mode and use a different router to handle my wireless needs.  Would that affect my roommates computer which is directly connected to the AT&T modem?



1 Message

14 years ago

You have got to be $#!**! me!


I have a 2Wire 2701HG-B and use Mac's. Originally had a Speedstream 5100 which was replaced with a 2Wire to resolve a speed inconsistency issue which turned out to be a bad profile/oversubscription problem, but that is another story.


I have just spent the last 10 days going round for round with AT&T technical support troubleshooting intermittent DSL service drops and now I find this thread (and an AT&T forum at that)! To date I have had numerous calls to both level 1 & 2 technical support, two new 2Wire 2701HG-B gateway devices, 4 onsite technicians whom have tested the line, placed the service on a new pair, swapped ports at the CO 3 times, installed a splitter in the NID, replaced all connectors in the NID, ran the 2wire outside connected directly to the NID and witnessed the drops, all to no avail. I installed a 'home run' to the NID, installed a dedicated DSL wall jack (last AT&T tech replaced the CAT5 run and wall jack). I spent numerous hours trying different combinations of modem locations (RF/EMI?), changing every conceivable cable, nothing worked.


So, after reading this thread I place the 2Wire in bridge mode, turn off the wireless and use an Airport Extreme as the router/PPOE dialer/WAP. It has worked flawlessly for the past 12 hours, not single drop.


Why is this potential issue not documented in a knowledge base article that tier 1 (and above) technical support has access to? And more importantly, why is AT&T not working with 2Wire to update the 2701HG-B firmware to resolve the issue?







1 Message

13 years ago

I was having the exact same problems as posted by multiple subscribers on 8 pages here. I have a MacBook Pro and we have two other Macs (one iMac, one PowerMac G4 MDD, both hardwired).  The hardwired Macs would have occasional problems, but the MacBook Pro went offline CONSTANTLY. We tried several 'fixes' mentioned here and on the Apple forums -- moved the 2Wire up onto a wooden shelf near the ceiling in the center of the house, changed the wireless mode and channels, changed the security setting from WEP to WPA, cleared cache/cookies, called ATT a couple of times for line tests, etc.  Since we have no landline, lack of a DSL filter was not an issue.  After reading posts here and at Apple, we knew better than to engage in the futility and inconvenience of calling an ATT tech out to the house or have any of the hardware or wiring replaced.  


Nothing worked to stop the CONSTANT dropped DSL/Internet connections on the MacBook Pro until, last Sunday, I successfully bridged the 2Wire and hooked up a D-Link DIR-655 router.  I did call an AT&T Mac tech to walk me through the bridging process, and called a D-Link rep to walk me through configuring the DIR-655 router.  For some reason, I did have to reset my PPPoE password then reboot both routers and all computers as a final step.  It's been five days and I've only received one "you are not connected to the Internet" message that resolved instantly with a browser page refresh. I have lower-tier ATT DSL so sometimes it's a tad slow, and occasionally the connection hangs up for a second or two, but I've experienced NOTHING like the COMPLETELY DROPPED DSL/Internet connections MULTIPLE times per HOUR every single DAY since SEPTEMBER.


I found these websites to be helpful in this process:


2Wire Bridge Mode instructions (ATT tech followed this script word for word):



Configuring the third-party router:



Thanks to the ATT subscribers on this forum, I can enjoy my MacBook Pro again and we don't have to consider going back to terrible TWC High-Speed (an even worse experience, if you can believe it, with no fix).



24 Messages

13 years ago

I have the SAME problem with my brand new macbook pro making the DSL DROP CONNECTION SOMETIMES EVERY 15 MINUTES IT MAKES ME WANT TO DO BAD THINGS.


Haha i registered on this forum in 2003!


ATT Should give me a router that is compatible with my computer. Wasn't i forced to buy this piece of crap. Thanks ATT i really appreciate it.


8 Pages of people with issues, yet you continue to SHIP this router and tell people to do the same stupid fixes. Does ATT realize how much money they are losing to service calls? Calling service techs out for an issue for 1000's of houses when the real issue is a piece of junk router. Its absolutely fraudulent they wont even acknowledge a problem exist.


Not one of ATT's higher management must use 1. Consumer DSL 2. Macbook Pro

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