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48 Messages

Thursday, February 13th, 2014 7:34 PM

When will AT&T increase 150GB data cap for DSL users?

According to AT&T, 2% of the users use 20% of the bandwidth and the average user uses 21GB per month.  How old is this data?  Also, if the data is outdated and the current average usage is much higher, when will AT&T adjust their data cap to reflect the increased usage?


I am unable to get UVerse where I live and unfortunately I am unable to get any internet provider other than satellite which is impossible to use for gaming.  I would appreciate an answer as to when I can expect an increase in the data cap or at least a reference to the current data usage of their customers.



4 Messages

10 years ago

I haven't been able to view my usage for over 3 months now.  No help from AT&T customer (no)service.  150 gb is not a lot when your main source for TV viewing is streaming.  We don't have cable, so most of our TV viewing is streaming.  That doesn't count computers, cel phones and tablets.  In this era of streaming media 150 gb is insufficient!


The last time I was able to view my usage, I was at 133 gb.  How convenient that the usage chart disappeared soon after!


I have no desire to switch to cable internet.  The costs for internet only is ridiculous!  I have no problems streming at 6Mbps, it's just that darn CAP!



15 Messages

10 years ago

I find it interesting that no one has received a meaningful response from AT&T regarding how data usage is calculated and aggregated into daily figures...and I doubt that we ever will. AT&T can literally bill us for whatever data use they feel like, and there is no recourse or accountability. 


Surely a company that can find $49 Billion to buy up competitors can at least raise their data caps to industry standards (250Gigs AT LEAST). 



109 Messages

10 years ago

It makes me sick when I read comments like "AT&T can literally bill us for whatever data use they feel like, and there is no recourse or accountability" because it is very true and there isn't a dang thing we as customers can do about it. When your choice of providers is as limited as ours is, you have no choice but to deal with what you have. It really upsets me.



2 Messages

10 years ago

The number is inflated to make those going over ATT's bandwidth cap feel a certain way.


There are more and more each day who will approach the 150GB cap or close to it as websites become more and more visually "complicated". And now because of the rough economy, households are getting larger so this means more demand on their internet connections.


I have a feeling the 97% using less than 20GB a month statement means that the 150GB data cap will one day slip to 100GB and less further constraining more of their customer base.




15 Messages

10 years ago

"these forums are a peer to peer space, populated by customers like yourself or employees that participate on their free time, unfortunately you won't get an official answer from AT&T here."


So...where can loyal customers go to ACTUALLY get an 'official answer' regarding the calculation of data usage?!?!?!? Is that even possible??!?!?


Fortunately, the wireline business in Connecticut is being sold to a different company. My hope is that they might take a different stance on blatant price gouging, and take the time to address our concerns.



48 Messages

10 years ago

5 months later and I am STILL waiting for an answer to this question.  150GB limit these days is ridiculous.  WHEN CAN I EXPECT AN ANSWER FROM ANYONE AT AT&T?!?!



15 Messages

10 years ago

I'm just bumping this topic back up to (what I hope is) the top of their poorly re-designed forum front-page, just...because.


Rest assured, I am not expecting ANY sort of sensical response on this matter. 


Data Caps = $

Data Caps with highly inaccurate usage meters that no one can explain = $$$

Data Caps with highly inaccurate usage meters that no one can explain, coupled with a complete and utter lack of broadband competition = $$$$$$$$


I think that just about covers it. 




2 Messages

10 years ago

I think this ridiculous. I have a bandwidth limit on my internet usage of 150g per month. If I go over an additional 50 will be provided to me for an additional 10. The overage should be prorated. If I use 150 + 4mb am I getting charged $10 for this? Cowpie. Prorate it. Just like if I disconnect my phone 5 days into the billing period are you going to bill me the entire month? I think not. Att need to get it's stuff straight. Another way to fleece their customers and no upgrades to their equipment. As soon as I can in canceling and going elsewhere.



48 Messages

10 years ago

I was able to cancel my AT&T DSL service and signed up for DSL through an AT&T reseller (DSLExtreme).  They use AT&T's equipment, but they charge less per month and they have NO data caps.  Finally I can use the internet without worrying about every byte coming and going.

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