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The Samsung Galaxy S24
kurtisherzog88's profile



9 Messages

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 2:24 PM

Issues with Samsung Galaxy S2 since Jelly Bean update

Very excited that we have it now.  However, the main bug I'm finding is that I get no text message notifications.  Not in the lock screen, not in the notification tray.  The only way to see is to constantly check my SMS inbox constantly.  I've tried updated the phone 2 different times.  I finally reset the device completely but to no avail.  Anyone else having this or other issues?




106 Messages

11 years ago

One thing that has me wondering since my update is it seems the battery drains a little quicker... has anyone else seen anything with that? Looking at my battery options screen, with 4 hours and 24 minutes on battery, starting at 100%, the battery is at 64%. The "Screen" is at 54% (1 minute screen timeout) and the "Android OS" entry is next at 16%. That seems like a high percentage for "Android OS"... wouldn't this be more like a single digit percentage? The next entry is "Android System" at 6%, which seems reasonable.



12 Messages

11 years ago

It seems that there are more APPs running in the background.  The old OS came with an indicator APP that told you what was running and is no longer there with Jelly Bean.  I downloaded AVG Antiviris which ahs a performance tab that shows what's running - to "kill"



12 Messages

11 years ago

Thank you. I tried it but no luck. Went to the AT&T dealer and they hadn't heard of this problem. My just be my phone.since no one else seems to have the problem.



54 Messages

11 years ago

Do you mean the "task manager" button at the bottom of the recent apps list?  Yeah, that's gone, but it's been replaced by 3 buttons.


1. a pie chart looking button that shows all running apps. You can exit apps from there.

2. a Google Now button (little g).

3. a trash can button that apparently clears the list of recent apps.


I am also trying an app called Clean Master that, among other things, kills running apps in the background. Not sure it's helping, but...



54 Messages

11 years ago

You may want to try a 3rd party gallery app.  I use one called QuickPic, which I like better than the stock Gallery app.  Now, it has the limitation of only viewing photos/videos on your phone, and not ones synced with your Google+ Photos.


For Google+ Photos, I guess you can use the Google+ apps's photo feature, which is what I think Google wants you to use.



12 Messages

11 years ago

I don't have the pie chart looking button.  Do you need to load Google Now to get it? 

Trash can button? 



16 Messages

11 years ago

Does anyone else have a large amount of RAM being used, like 700+ on the regular


I don't have a whole lot of apps installed, and definitely close out processes I'm not using, yet it still gets hella high compared to previous OS versions.





151 Messages

11 years ago

After the upgrade, I cannot edit any existing calendar entries on the "My calendar" in my phone.  If I duplicate the entry, I can edit the duplicate.  I've also seen that when I view "My calendar" using a free app called "Business Calendar v1.3.3", I can edit the same apps that I am unable to edit using the default Google calendar!


Looks like this problem has not been fully resolved:  http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=35877





54 Messages

11 years ago

That's a weird issue.  I'm using Business Calendar, and I haven't had any issues with adding or updating calendar entries.


Also, when you say that you're using the default Google Calendar, do you mean that you're using the Samsung calendar app that came with the phone, or the separate Google Calendar app?  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.calendar&hl=en



54 Messages

11 years ago

I usually have high RAM usage, but then, I use a lot of apps, so... I guess that's normal for me.

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