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1 Message

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 1:33 PM


No Ability to Block Explicit Websites/Apps on my child's smartphone!!?

I am shocked that ATT does not offer parental controls for websites visited and apps downloaded that have explicit or 17+ content.  Sprint had this and it was great.  I just assumed ATT would too.  They allow parents to set time limits, but what about content limits!!?



4 Messages

9 years ago

Maybe ATT and other corporate entities should show a little corporate responsibility and filter porn by default (which is nothing more than the exploitation women). Then if they still want it they can ask there wives and daughters if it would be okay to remove the filters. The harmful effects of porn are real (do a little research on the harmful effects of porn).



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

I'm not arguing the effects of porn; I'm arguing that the parents need to be the filter, not ATT (or Verizon, or TMo, or Sprint). Be a parent. If you KNOW your kids are viewing porn on their phone, take it away from them. My kids grew up before the era of mobile phones, but I took away the car keys when they went somewhere I told them not to.


Where do you want ATT censorship to stop? Just with porn. Maybe I want Mormon sites filtered (who wants more than one wife anyway?). Maybe my neighbor wants Islamic sites filtered. What about the guy that wants anything to do with recreational drug use filtered? Contraception? Alcohol? STD's?


You can't shelter your kids from that stuff. But you can teach them the difference between right and wrong and to make the right decision, even in the face of peer pressure.

New Member


25.7K Messages

9 years ago

This isn't a content filter but if you log into your att wireless account and click view details under your sons wireless number you can click turn members data on/off. That is what I do for my kids when they abuse their privleges. I rule with abuse it you lose it policy. 

ACE - Sage


118.2K Messages

9 years ago

I agree. There is no substitute for supervision and consequences.
When my kids first got cell phones (just before smart phones) we had an excess text problem, I took away the phone.
When data was no longer free and one kids was YouTube crazy, I turned data off on his phone.

Talk about a punishment worse than death! The pier pressure and teasing is tremendous on kids. Losing their phone or having data turned off is mortifying for kids.

I also turned off wifi and Internet access at a certain hour each night.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago

PK070205 wrote:
Maybe ATT and other corporate entities should show a little corporate responsibility and filter porn by default (which is nothing more than the exploitation women). Then if they still want it they can ask there wives and daughters if it would be okay to remove the filters. The harmful effects of porn are real (do a little research on the harmful effects of porn).

[Per Guidelines:  Keep it Relevant and Appropriate].


.  ATT is a dumb pipe for internet service its not there job or any other companies job to filter websites.  Now I agree they could have tools to help parents do it.  I can see what all my kids are doing on there phones because I made a remote login program so I can check there phones.  Android is nice like that.



4 Messages

9 years ago

It is quite evident there is a elementary disconnect (or desensitization) of the seriousness of the issue at hand. If there is any sense for the justice for the poor and justice for the marginalized you would not no defend it and pawn it off as merely some parental responsibility or some youthful excursion. It is not just about "little Johnny's" looking at a few nude pictures.

As I said before I am not arguing fact that personal responsibility and parental guidance should be the first and foremost at the front of all things. I never argued that fact. You failed to see because of your own ignorance the damage this does two young children especially males your child is exposed to porn on average of eight years old weathers the parents lack of personal responsibility of taking care the kids or if they're seeking out.



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

You want to abdicate your parental duties to someone else, then by all means switch your service to Verizon. What's stopping you?



4 Messages

9 years ago

LOL how am I abdicating my duties as a parent? By advocating for a corporate entity who owns the network to take the moral high ground? And why are you distracting from the fact that you think this is this all about the children as if it is healthy for adults to view this junk.

If you want to look at porn and fuel the exploitation of women and the s € x trafficking industry by all means no ones stopping you. I'm advocating porn should be filtered by default first with the option to turning off the filter if one feels he wants to pollute his mind. I was never advocating taking away your precious porn.

P.S. For you information I switch to Verizon months ago.
The Social Costs of Pornography: A Statement of Findings and Recommendations (Research)

Title: The Social Costs of Pornography: A Statement of Findings and Recommendations
Publication: The Witherspoon Institute
Author: Mary Eberstadt, Mary Anne Layden

This statement amalgamates recent research regarding the effects that pornography consumption has on individuals and society. The article finds: 1) that pornography is now available unlike any other time in history, due in large part to the internet, 2) that this pornography is qualitatively different than what has gone before due to its increasingly realistic images and hard-core character, 3) that pornography consumption harms women, children, consumers, and those not immediately connected to consumers, 4) that pornography is philosophically and morally problematic, and 5) that just because not everyone is harmed by pornography does not mean that pornography should not be regulated.

The report concludes that widespread pornography consumption poses a serious challenge to public health and to personal and familial well-being. This article recommends that legislators, the therapeutic community, educators, policymakers, and responsible corporate leaders make concerted efforts to combat this dangerous harm.




Hello PK070205,

Your attempt to post a Message to "Re: No Ability to Block Explicit Websites/Apps on my child's smartphone!!?" failed.

"You used a bad word, s € x in the body of your post. Please clean up the body before posting."

How ironic this post initially failed to post because the indecency of the word s, € , x...

ACE - Sage


118.2K Messages

9 years ago


The irony goes deeper... Certain words are filtered, but not just the big swear words. You can't put certain letters together. You can't use a multitude of words for bodily functions.

Kids are very creative. You block one avenue, they find another. Unless you can place filters on the device itself, the filth will get through. Even then, no garantee.

I have 18 and 20 year old sons. Their father is very religious, I and very realistic and blunt. Each of us have made a point to discuss why pornography is wrong, the damage it does and why we think it is wrong. Since neither is locking their doors or closing screens when I'm around, I think they understood.

Keep educating! Remember, you can block your kids content, but you can't block their friends phones too.



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

As a child of an alcoholic, I left Verizon because they refuse to filter alcohol related content. Look at all the people posting pictures on Face Book of overindulging. You can see ads on the internet for alcohol. Do you know the social cost of alcohol abuse? I could post study after study, but do you really care? I talked to my kids about alcohol abuse and hope I made a point. 


Where is content filtering supposed to start (or stop)? Let me tell you once again; I don't dispute the effect of porn on young minds. BUT IT IS NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MONITOR YOUR CHILDREN'S ONLINE HABITS. No thanks; I don't need or want corporations playing "mommy" for me. That's what we've got big government for (that's sarcasm, btw).



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